United States, California, Modoc, Modoc Plateau. Devils Garden area; along Road 48N28 .7 road-km east of Road 7/48N08/Crowder Flat Road; 3.9 air-km east of Weed Valley. T48N R10E S23 NW1/4 USGS Quadrangle: Weed Valley 1:24,000
41.989722 -120.666944 WGS 1984
T48N R10E S23 NW1/4; 41§ 59m 23s N; 120§ 40m 1s W
1627 meters (5337ft)
Large rocky flat surrounded by yellow pine and juniper; lots of weathered rocks and bare dirt; Poa, Antennaria, Erigeron, Lomatium; no Artemisia, no Galium. Flowers light to darker blue-purple,each lobe with 3 slightly darker veins; throat with 2 bright yellow raised ridges; lobes spreading.