Clarkia arcuata (Kellogg) A. Nelson & J. F. Macbr.
L. P. Janeway
B. Castro
United States, California, Tehama, Cascade Range Foothills. Tehama Wildlife Area; along Powerline Road about 0.4 km south of Cottonwood Jeep Trail, overlooking an upper northeastern fork of Little Antelope Creek. T27N R01E S13 SE1/4 USGS Quadrangle: Dewitt Peak 1:24,000
40.186667 -121.917778 NAD 1983
T27N R01E S13 SE1/4; 40§ 11m 12s N; 121§ 55m 4s W
564 meters (1850ft)
Thin soil, very rocky open southwest-facing slope; scattered manzanita, juniper, buckbrush, yerba santa. Flowers pink/lavender, inflorescence tip and buds pendant.